So being in Morocco drinking a glass of tea in good company and a pleasant chat is an experience not to be missed. This is a drink for socializing and fraternizing. It is said that the best business deals are closed in Morocco with a good glass of tea.

There are several ways to prepare Moroccan tea and also its preparation and flavor depend on the area of Morocco where we are.
The Moroccan tea in addition to taking mint can take some lemon verbena leaves, these leaves help to counteract the gases caused by the mint, is digestive, has a calming effect, and helps to fall asleep among other of its many properties.
Another of the plants that can be used to prepare tea is the Shiba or Wormwood that helps fight the cold and has medicinal and toning properties for the body. A drop of orange blossom water or some jasmine leaves can also be added to the tea.
Preparation of the Moroccan Tea
- In a saucepan or in a kettle we put to boil the amount of water that fits in the teapot and a half.
- Pour the tablespoon and a half of tea in the kettle.
- Once the water boils, pour some water into the kettle (until it covers the tea leaves) and stir. This is done to rinse the tea. Repeat the process 2 times.
- Pour the 3 tablespoons of sugar over the tea and then as much water as will reach the top of the teapot.
- We put it on the fire to slow fire, and at the same time clean the mint.
- Once the tea leaves have risen, remove from the fire and add the mint. Taste the sugar, but it is advisable to add between half a spoonful and a whole spoonful of sugar because of the acidity of the mint.
- Put on the fire again 1 minute and remove.
- Serve hot.
Finally, the ideal accompaniment to take this tea are some good Moroccan sweets, but it is also taken as a drink at breakfast or as a drink after eating, to help digestion.
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