Today’s entry will be about a dish that I cooked yesterday which is one of my favourite Moroccan dishes: Fish Briouats. Here’s a simple recipe for fish, shrimp or mussel briouats.

Ingredients for 10 fish briouats
-200 grams of cooked mussels (meat only)
-150 grams of cooked prawns
-150 grams of Chinese rice noodles
-Garlic powder, cumin, salt and pepper
-Harissa (I’ll also explain how to make it, in case someone doesn’t have this sauce at home)
-½ chives
-Mass brick or edge
-3 tablespoons of olive oil
-A splash of vinegar
-1 egg
Ingredients for the harissa
-1 teaspoon sweet paprika
-1 teaspoon of hot paprika
-A splash of vinegar
-A splash of olive oil
First of all I will explain how to make the harissa for all those who do not have an Eroski or halal shop nearby (places where they usually sell it): we will only have to mix the two types of paprika in a dish, and then add the vinegar and the oil to mix again; as you will see it is very simple, but we must be careful to do it little by little, because it must have a doughy consistency and if we get confused it can be very liquid.
Once the sauce is made and set aside, we start with the stuffing, chopping the mussels and prawns (you can buy them raw and cook them at home or buy them already cooked). Then we add the harissa, salt, pepper, cumin, ground garlic (or a very chopped clove of garlic if you like this taste very much), oil and vinegar, mixing everything and leaving it aside for 15-20 minutes to macerate.
In the meantime, we will make the noodles. I always advise to follow the manufacturer’s instructions: in my case it was enough to put them for 3 minutes in boiling water with a pinch of salt. As they are very large I recommend that, once cooked and drained, they should be cut into small pieces to make them more convenient to eat.
All you have to do is add the chopped chives, mix them well and start making our triangles (I prefer the brick pasta, because I find it easier to handle and more crunchy, but you can still make them with filo pastry). However, the way to work the dough well deserves a detailed explanation, or we can risk the final shape being more like an amorphous entity fresh out of a 1950s B-movie.
To get a decent presentation we must cut the dough well, until we get rectangular pieces. Once the strips are made, we place the filling at the bottom end (without going over it or it will come out the sides), covering it little by little upwards in successive folds with triangle shapes. When we reach the end of the strip, we apply with a brush beaten egg on the surface, so that the result is secured and does not crumble.
Finally, the triangles can be cooked in two ways: in the frying pan or in the oven. In the first case, we cover the bottom of the frying pan with oil, doing so over a medium heat until the dough is golden brown (this will take a few minutes, as the filling is already done). As for the oven, which I recommend since there is less oil left, it will only be necessary to put it at 180º for 10-15 minutes and it will be ready to eat.
Read more:
Moroccan Food in Fez
Moroccan Avocado and Banana Shake
Batbout Recipe
Fish Briouats Recipe
Byessar Recipe (Moroccan Bean Cream)
Lentil Falafel Recipe
Zaalouk (Aubergine Caviar)
Seffa Recipe
Beet and Coconut Balls Recipe
Moroccan Fritters Filled With Jam
Chebakia Recipe