More than restaurant recommendations in Rissani, we are going to make recommendations of typical dishes from this area, since you will hardly find them in other areas of Morocco.

The Madfouna or Berber Pizza
The Madfouna or Berber pizza, is a stuffed bread, which is made in a very peculiar way and is par excellence, the typical dish of the desert. Rissani is the city of reference for the Madfouna, even though its cooking can be found in many of the city’s ovens.
The idea is to make a fire with palm branches, once consumed, make a base of stones on top of them, put the Madfouna or bread stuffed with vegetables, beef and seasoned with spices and coriander, is buried with sand and left closed for about twenty minutes, depending on the size of the Madfouna or bread.
Madfouna can be ordered in many of Rissani’s restaurants and bars.
The Khlea is a well known dish from the southern part of Morocco, Ouarzazate, Zagora and the region of Rissani. The Khlea is basically the meat of sheep or lamb cut into small pieces and cooked with vegetables, parsley, olive oil flavored with a mixture of spices (Rass el Hanut) and sometimes served with eggs.
It is a traditional dish for the beginning of the year.
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