The Kasbah Museum in Chefchaouen (Ethnographic Museum)

The Ethnographic Museum of Chefchaouen, Morocco is undoubtedly one of the best museums in the country, receives many tourists a year who visit Chefchaouen and decide to make a stop to enjoy all that it offers.

The Kasbah Museum in Chefchaouen (Ethnographic Museum)

There is no doubt that a visit to the beautiful blue city of Chefchaouen should include a tour of this ethnographic museum and more if you are a lover of these sites. In this place you will be able to enjoy a quantity of representative objects of the culture of the region and to know closely the art of the inhabitants of the north of the country.

Where is the Ethnographic Museum of Chefchaouen, Morocco

Knowing the locations of the sites we want to visit is an important point in any trip, so we bring you the information you need to know where is the Ethnographic Museum of Chefchaouen, Morocco:

This incredible cultural site is located in the heart of the city’s medina, specifically within the citadel or kasbah located in the Plaza Uta el-Hammam in Chefchaouen, Morocco.

How to get to the Ethnographic Museum of Chauen, Morocco

You do not have to worry about how to get to the Ethnographic Museum of Chefchaouen, Morocco because driving through this city is very simple and also charming. Chefchaouen is a quite small city for which to go walking to any place is the best option. It also allows you to enjoy the beauty of its streets painted a beautiful blue.

To get to the museum you will have to pass through the center of the medina and be located in the Uta el-Hammam square where you will find the Kasba monument, which is another place that you should not miss.

What to see, do and visit in the Ethnographic Museum of Chauen

There’s so much to see, do and visit at the Chefchaouen Ethnographic Museum! That’s why we recommend you to make your visit early so you don’t miss anything.

These are just some of the many things you can see inside this incredible place, but in addition to its surroundings you can also enjoy a beautiful garden that gives a view of incredible details of the kasbah itself.

Are you going to miss this cultural marvel that the Ethnographic Museum of Chefchaouen offers?

Write this place down on your to-do list.

In conclusion, we can say that Chefchaouen is one of the tourist sites of reference in Morocco, this city hosts the famous museum, a must see and meet in the next vacation in Morocco.

If you are one of those who like to know the cultural attractions of each place you visit in Chefchaouen you can do in this museum, a place where you can enjoy different collections of objects that have been found in the town and is part of the traditions of the region.

It was built under the command of Pasha Admed Errifi and is a very famous Kasbah that you should include in your list of things to see.

Here are the best places to stay in Chefchaouen.
Get the best deals and discounts on hotels here.

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The Kasbah of Chefchaouen
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